Darksiders 2 kingdom of the dead
Darksiders 2 kingdom of the dead

darksiders 2 kingdom of the dead

Then, cancel the Soul Split and jump off the elevator onto the higher level. Use the two soul forms to step on the plates and raise your stone form. Backtracking to the Fjord, northeast structure, stand on the central platform elevator and activate the newly acquired Soul Splitter. On the fourth floor, before proceeding into the room containing the final soul, loop around and grab a page. Use it to reach the handhold, and jump from the handhold to the right. It’s in the easternmost room with water in it (which also has a Boatman Coin). This is located on the second floor of the tomb. This page can be found in the northeastern corner of the first floor. In the Spine, check the eastern edge, where the bridges seem to intersect. After using the lever to raise the bridge in the east room of first floor, drop down and cross it, and then climb the wall with the Deathgrip hook at the other end. On the fourth floor of the dungeon, check behind the easternmost statue to find the page. Rotate the lantern in the adjacent room till the light points west, which will raise a bridge. A page is located in the westernmost room of the second floor. Before entering the passage that contains the door to the Arena, Check the left side with skulls to find the page. Yeah, it’s all the way ahead just outside the Guilded Arena. Additionally, you can jump off the ledge after getting the key to get a Boatman Coin. On this first floor of the Scar, immediately after obtaining the skeleton key, you can turn around and look for some handholds on the left wall. The page lies at the end of this passage. Go back to the Weeping Crag, and after unlocking the Skeleton Door, you will have to make your way through a passage with continuous wall jumps. Use Deathgrip and find the page on the second floor. In the open-air room at the center of the first floor, and you will see a fairly evident hook. Back in the Nook, this time we’re utilizing the Deathgrip to acquire a previously unreachable Page. Leap towards it and grab onto it with Deathgrip. Then, turn around and look for another hook. After acquiring the Deathgrip, use it on the first hook you see. Climb the wall in the next room and look up the corner to find a Stone of Power. The Stone of Power can be found after defeating two Savage Stalkers on the balcony, and proceeding north.

darksiders 2 kingdom of the dead

The page is located next to the stone, in the small room off to the east side of the second floor. On the second floor of the Lost Temple, there is the Stone of Power. Instead of crossing over the chain and continuing with the dungeon, walk along it to reach the page. Take the other one through the revealed passage, and then configure the two. The first one will rise, and now you can put one of the two in the slot north of the elevator. Climb up the nearby wall for another custodian, and bring it back and plant it in the slot near the elevator. On the first floor, you’ll encounter a custodian at the bottom of an elevator. In the northwest corner of this room are a few vases, of which one contains the page. In the sidequest “The Hammer Forge”, in one of the easternmost rooms you will be attacked by several enemies after a cutscene. Once you have restored the flow of water to the western half, you can swim to the area with a stone block. Step off the edge here and you’ll land on a ledge with the page on it. Now, run to the left side of the statue – you’ll notice a small gap in the railing. As soon as you enter first large room in which a short cutscene plays out, run to the right until you see around the statue. This can be found along with a Stone of Mystics.

darksiders 2 kingdom of the dead

Yeah, the next page is all the way in Drenchfort. Beyond it is a crate which has a page in it. On the second floor, after you defeat Gham, go through the hallway to the north. To the right of the bars is a hole in the wall, which has a page in it. In the first floor in the large outdoor room with the orb puzzle, to the south end is a purple orb behind some bars. Check the ground directly behind it for the page. There is a giant statue in the eastern part of the area. There is also another stone on the cliff to your right, but that is unreachable for now. The first page can be found in the northernmost area of Stonefather’s Vale. *** VIDEOS AT THE BOTTOM SHOWING HOW FIND THE PAGES *** The Abracadabra trophy in Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition worth 84 points Open all Death Tombs

Darksiders 2 kingdom of the dead