Aggressive, continuous reconnaissance allows the timely accomplishment of combat missions with minimum losses. Reconnaissance represents all measures associated with organizing, collecting, and studying information on the enemy, terrain, and weather in the area of operation. 12.5.3 Properties of Selected Biological Agents.12.5.2 Types and Characteristics Chemical Agents.12.5.1 Types and Characteristics Chemical Agents.12.5 Subcategories of agents as the following:.12.3 The Effects of CBRN on the Battlefield.12 Chapter 12: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Weapons.10.5.4 OPFOR Capabilities: Near- And Mid-Term.10.5.3 OPFOR Capabilities: Near-Term And Mid-Term.10.5.2 Technologies And Applications For Use By OPFOR: Near And Mid- Term.10.5.1 Considerations in Determining Emerging OPFOR Technologies by Time Frame.10.5 OPFOR Technologies And Emerging Operational Environments.10.3.3 OPFOR Reconnaissance And Assault Vehicle Upgrades.10.3.2 OPFOR Light Armored Vehicle Upgrades.10.2.3 Countermeasures By Functional Area And Type System.10.2.2 Countermeasures Against Weapons and Weapon Sensors.10.2 Lethality Component versus Countermeasure Responses.

10 Chapter 10: Countermeasures, Upgrades, and Emerging Technology.9.2.1 Table 5: Tactical Electronic Warfare Systems.9.1.2 Table 2: Communication Satellites.9.1.1 Table 1: Tactical Communications Systems.